Aeronautics Curriculum (2008 – Spring 2015)

Freshman Year - Fall Semester

ASE 1013Introduction to Aerospace Engineering3
CH 1211Investigations in Chemistry1
CH 1213Chemistry I3
EN 1103English Composition I3
MA 1713Calculus I3
Humanities Elective3
Total Credit Hours16

Freshman Year - Spring Semester

ASE 2013Astronautics, Propulsion, and Structures3
EN 1113English Composition II3
MA 1723Calculus II3
PH 2213Physics I3
Humanities Elective3
Social/Behav. Sci. Elective3
Total Credit Hours18

Sophomore Year - Fall Semester

ASE 2113Aircraft and Spacecraft Performance3
EM 2413Engineering Mechanics I3
MA 2733Calculus III3
MA 3113Introduction to Linear Algebra3
PH 2223Physics II3
Social/Behav. Sci. Elective3
Total Credit Hours18

Sophomore Year - Spring Semester

EM 2433Engineering Mechanics II3
EM 3213Mechanics of Materials3
MA 2743Calculus IV3
MA 3253Differential Equations I3
PH 2233Physics III3
Fine Arts Elective3
Total Credit Hours18

Junior Year - Fall Semester

ASE 3213Mech of Def Structures3
ASE 3333Aerothermodynamics3
ECE 3183Electrical Engineering Systems I3
EM 3313Fluid Mechanics3
EM 3413Vibrations (Fall Only)3
Total Credit Hours15

Junior Year - Spring Semester

ASE 3123Aircraft Attitude Dynamics3
ASE 3223Aerospace Structural Analysis3
ASE 3313Incompress Aerodynam3
GE 3513Technical Writing3
Math/Science Elective3
Total Credit Hours15

Senior Year - Fall Semester

ASE 4113Aerospace Eng Lab I3
ASE 4123Aerospace Controls3
ASE 4343Compressible Aerody3
ASE 4513Aircraft Design I3
ASE 4623Aerospace Structural Design3
Total Credit Hours15

Senior Year - Spring Semester

ASE 4413Aircraft Propulsion3
ASE 4523Aircraft Design II3
ASE 4721Aerospace Engineering Lab II1
Technical Elective3
Technical Elective3
Total Credit Hours13